Страница Marina Albycheva

Учебные заведения


Лицей №157, 2000 – 2010


КНЭУ им. В. Гетьмана (КИНХ им. Д. С. Коротченко)
Экономики и управления

Семья и семейное положение

Семейное положение

в активном поиске

Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе


Любимые цитаты

' To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. '

' Good breading consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of other person. '

' Adventure is the champagne of life. '

' Being a personality isn't the same as having a personality. '

' It takes a loss before you found it. '

' If you want to know what actually thinks a woman, look at her, but don't listen. '

' -do you wanna talk about it?
-truthfully, I wanna drink about it! '

' Love waits for one thing - the right moment. '

' You will appreciate me when you lose me... '

' And I, I'm the one, the one for you... '

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