Страница Toy Oz


Manisa Lisesi

Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

No smoke No Alcohol Healty Food Like Sport Feel in Love with REAL ESTATE

Мои интересы

Travel, Sport, Pray

Любимые книги

Seven advices of MEVLANA In generosity and helping others, be like a river… In compassion and grace, be like sun… In concealing others’ faults, be like night… In anger and fury, be like dead… In modesty and humility, be like earth… In tolerance, be like a sea… Either exist as you are, or be as you look. Mawlana Jelaleddin RUMI

Любимая музыка

George Michael, Tarkan, U2, Michael Kelland Hutchence

Любимые цитаты

Come, Come again !
Whatever you are...
Whether you are infidel,
idolater or fireworshipper.
Whether you have broken your vows
of repentance a hundred times
This is not the gate of despair,
This is the gate of hope.
Come, come again...
Mawlana Jelaleddin RUMI

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