Страница Никиты Андреевича

Учебные заведения


Гимназия №642 «Земля и Вселенная», 2003 – 2010
Школа №36, 2000 – 2003



Семья и семейное положение

Моя семья


Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

Sometimes the serpent eats the cat and sometimes the cat eats the serpent

Любимые телешоу

Californication, Friends, Sons of Anarchy, True Detective

Любимые книги

Эрнест Хэмингуэй, "Дон Кихот", "Преступление и Наказание", "Drei Kameraden", "Хлеб с ветчиной", "Истории обыкновенного безумия"

Любимые цитаты

Дорогу осилит идущий

It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.

First time I read Emma Goldman wasn't in a book. I was sixteen, hiking near the Nevada border. The quote was painted on a wall in red. When I saw those words it was like someone ripped them from the inside of my head: "Anarchism... stands for liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals".
The concept was pure, simple, true. It inspired me. Lit a rebellious fire, but ultimately I learned the lesson that Goldman, Proudhom and the others learned. That true freedom requires sacrifice and pain. Most human beings only think they want freedom. In truth they yearn for the bondage of social order, rigid laws, materialism. The only freedom man really wants, is the freedom to become comfortable.

Жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни


Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

Отношение к алкоголю
