Страница Chulalin Naphon

Учебные заведения


มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร (Silpakorn University) 2012
คณะอักษรศาสตร์ (Faculty of Arts)
哈尔滨工业大学 (Harbin Institute of Technology)
留学生中心 (International Students Center)

Увлечения и интересы

Несколько слов о себе

I am Chulalin. Im mixed thai and a lil bit of indian. I am a simply girl but sexy :P I am honest,caring,faithful and Yes!! I am a good girl :)) **I am deadly scared of caterpillars and maggots!!! I <3 my sweet home and family. I <3 my friends : all are awesome!! I <3 travel the world. I <3 spending time with my boyfriend,making some nice and sweet memories together. I <3 freedom I <3 dogs I <3 guinea pigs I <3 high heels I <3 trying new things I <3 living my life and always make it easy ^^" I always think different and never cared of some shit things. Baby I have something tell you about me and just believe it!! »> I am a woman,not a princess.I have an attitude and opinions.I am not a liar or a cheat.I am independent,intelligent and strong. and you know what?? »> I am as sweet as sugar and hard as ice! If you hurt me once I will kill you twice!!

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